
Maandelijks archief: juli 2021

I was asked a question about my thoughts on vaccination policies.

If I were to analyze it on the level of form, I quickly come to the conclusion that it is impossible to analyze the chaotic thought system of the ego at all.
For it is impossible to get a total overview of everything that is known about vaccinations, policies, etc. And that is how it is intended from the ego’s point of view. The goal is making a dualistic chaotic and confusing situation, so that the true single cause, the choice to look with the ego mind, stays hidden from awareness.

Following all the discussions of proponents and opponents, I cannot but come to the conclusion that both sides, the two dualistic sides of the ego, are equally wrong.
Getting/having right within the dualistic concept of the ego mind is impossible.
From the belief in ego, the belief in separation, the outcome will always be separation. And that, if I look honestly, is all I see: separation.
Discussions, fights, proponents and opponents how can it been seen other than projections of the mind that chooses ego, therefore separation? And that is the only goal of the ego, not whether one side or the other is right or wrong.

And because it is accompanied by strong emotions (which is also an extra ego-defense) it all seems very real and convincing and I do “have” to make a choice on the level of form so it seems and feels.
It is just another one of the many pitfalls of choosing to “look” with the ego.

So “my” personal vision is in advance already unreliable, because from the personal ego fragmented belief there can only be seen a part of it, which again, only shows separation, nothing more.

Moreover, this all takes place in the mind and NOT, NEVER in form (the projection).
That leaves us with the fact that I can only observe in my own mind what my thoughts are. A tool to help me see/recognize those thoughts is by looking at my projections. These show me what thoughts are in my mind and which mind, ego or HS, I have chosen.

“Projection makes perception. (…) It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition” (T21.In.1:1,5).

If even a sliver of displeasure no matter how small or monstrously large is seen/experienced, I can be 100% sure that I have chosen ego. I can take responsibility for that (because who else could) and choose again (if I want to, that too is a voluntary choice) but this time for HS. That’s all I have to do. The right, most loving answer at that moment will then automatically emerge in the mind. Such answers from HS are characterized by being 100% free of the belief in sin, guilt and fear.

Then it may well be that on a form/projection ego level I still hear the ego singing its song, but then I know that I am not that ‘song’ and do not have to take it personally and seriously. And I can only learn to see it as forgiveness material and a forgiveness opportunity. Then a shift takes place from ego function to HS function (the miracle).
What actually happens then is that just “my” seemingly personal script is followed, but now under guidance of HS instead of that of the ego. That is the only difference, nevertheless a big difference.
Whether or not I have an (ego) opinion about vaccination policy does not matter at all, because I will know that my script is a dream, and only shows what the dreamer of the dream, the mind, has chosen: ego or HS.
The answer has already been given to me, both the ego answer and the HS answer, for both are in my mind, simultaneously. It is up to me to choose through which mind I want to see and experience my dreams (the/my script, which disappeared immediately in the flash that it seems to appear, an ego flash that repeats itself with every thought.) (I am now thinking of the movie Ground Hog Day, which symbolically portrays this very nicely).
The ever repeating ego story of the belief in sin, guilt and fear keeps repeating itself until the shift has taken place from the belief in sin, guilt and fear to Love (from ego to HS), the miracle.

In essence, it is very simple and there is only one solution instead of a totally chaotic, confusing jumble of possible answers: my choice for ego or HS, over and over again. That is the only real choice that can be made and does work.
In that sense, this time offers enormous opportunities to start seeing things “differently”, from a growing awareness that there is a choice, and only one choice: ego or HS, and the rest will follow automatically from that choice.

What is needed for this is endless patience, without demanding to know what the outcome will be or when it will be over, willingness to practice, and above all trust in an inevitable good outcome.

For after all:

“Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God”


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